building envelope technologies, Inc.
What sets us apart
from the competition?
Simply put, it’s our people. The building envelope is ALL WE DO, and we love our work. Each of our senior team members has over 15 years of field experience dealing exclusively with building enclosure design, construction, and testing. We know what we’re doing, we’re passionate about our work, and we get the job done.
our story
our story
Building Envelope Technologies, Inc. was formed in 2000 as a result of the desire to provide quality architectural engineering services focused on building enclosure systems and technologies. Our team is comprised of seasoned design professionals who specialize in roofs, facades, fenestrations, curtain walls, air barriers and waterproofing systems. We provide building enclosure design and consulting services to architects, property owners, managers, developers, and contractors. Located just south of Boston, we service all of New England, including MA, NH, RI, CT, VT, and ME.
Our strengths
Our strengths
BET believes that one of our strengths is our ability to focus on the underlying engineering issues when working with the building envelope. We apply a holistic approach to building envelope systems that enables us to provide our clients with sustainable structures using affordable building technology. Building envelope systems and techniques are constantly evolving in search of better performance, less expense, and more elegant appearance. This makes the design and procurement of the building envelope a highly technical and complex process for which the demands of a building envelope specialist’s knowledge are needed.
our commitment
our commitment
Our goal is to make a positive contribution to the quality of the as-built environment by providing the highest level of professional expertise in building envelope engineering as a specialist discipline. We recognize that today’s building profession challenges demand not only technical confidence and effective management, but also precise communication. In meeting these challenges, we are committed to act in a morally responsible manner in the interests of our clients, employees, and the environment by investing in continuing improvement, equipment and training.
meet our team
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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Fidelity Investments, 27 State Street, Boston
Award Winning
Historic Preservation
Full Scale Exterior Facade Restoration
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor a metus ac gravida. Morbi ipsum dolor, commodo at ligula sit amet, accumsan tincidunt nibh.