Fraunhofer center for sustainable energy systems
Building Envelope Technologies (BET) was awarded and presented the BSA Design Award for our work with assisting on the restoration and renovation of the historic building enclosure at 5 Channel Street located in Boston, MA. 5 Channel Street is a is an historic building structure dating to the early 20th century. The structure is 6+ levels in height and is constructed with brick masonry and timber framing components. The roof is a low slope structure bounded by parapet walls on all sides. BET assisted with the cleaning, roofing, and masonry restoration on this historic building.
BET is to assist the architectural team in the preparation of construction documents for repairs and restoration, including concerns associated with the building exterior and then assist in the administration of the contract for construction. BET is honored to have been selected as the building envelope consultant on this historic restoration project and to have this award presented to the company by the Boston Society of Architects.